John Banner and Paul Smith have made it their aim to get all parking charge notices rescinded and refunded - with 'innocent' customers apologised to.
If you wish to be included - it is optional.....
Make a copy of your notice (front only), keep the original and take the copy - with your name and contact details on the back - preferably email address, mobile number and landline number (make a note if you have already paid and if you know what your offence was)
Take the copy to SUNRISE HAIR & BEAUTY Salon and tell them it is for JOHN BANNER
(Paul has confirmed that this is OK)
You will be contacted as soon as possible but, in the meantime, keep an eye on this website for any updates
Rome wasn't built in a day - it will take time
This is what started it all and why John got involved
Out of the blue, this letter arrived. Mark was gobsmacked, and so was I.
What 'offence' is he supposed to have committed. The notice does not show - surely common sense says it should do.
It shows he entered the park at 12:24:15 and left at 12:27:55. 3 minutes and forty seconds and in both pictures he's driving the car.
How long was he parked for and what did he do wrong? My answer - and I believe I can prove it - is nothing!
So, I decided to contact Worcester News (see below) and sent the letter below to UKPS on the same day (30th October) from my local post office and I got a proof of posting receipt
At the time of typing this up (9pm-ish Tuesday 7th November) we have not received a reply but Mark my son has received the following, by snail mail, yesterday. Why didn't they send me an email saying the same thing?
To which this email reply is on its way
In reply to your letter dated 3rd November which I received today Tuesday 7th November when I got home from work after 7pm - please note my dad is authorised to act on my behalf and you can send any email replies to both of us. My dad will be handling it entirely on his own and has my full permission to do so.
Mark Jonathan Banner
That is basically how things stand at the moment concerning Mark's letter, obviously if you want me to deal with everyone (133 times 1) is just as easy as dealing with 1 times 1 because the 'complaint' is the same for everybody - you can take it from me virtually everyone is being done for not parking correctly but, surely why didn't they make it obvious what you've got to do beforehand and let you know when the new rules would be implemented?
So if you want to be included, look back up at the top of this page - and keep an eye on this website for any further updates.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
This is the article that appeared in the Worcester News on Weds, Nov 8th, page 7.
Apparently the staff have received a considerable number of enquiries, and all of the penalty charge notice copies have been passed on to me.
I have been in touch with everyone I have received to date.
To be honest, there have been so many that the hairdressing staff have found it difficult to keep up with their work, which is of course what they are being paid to do.
So, Paul and I need to come up with a better plan. If you are going to take your copy to the hairdressers, as we advised in the article above, all you need to do is put it through the letterbox - day or night - there is no need to go into the shop! You will notice there is a sign on the wall (it is lit up at night and you can see it above our heads on the photo) which gives you the telephone numbers.
One of them is mine, and one of them is Chris Monteith of Johnson and Fellows who represents the owner of the car park. I have spoken to Chris on a couple of occasions and he is aware that I am about to put together what I call the next instalment - watch this space.
I suggest you keep an eye on this website and to expect my next update to be posted very soon.
If you need to phone me direct for any reason between 11am and 11pm any day is fine.