Thank you for taking the time and trouble to visit my website, compiled for me by my computer genius Stuart Moore.
May I commence this latest posting (last checked 4/12/24) by saying to those of you who often say to me, when I ask if you're coming to my next concert, "...I thought you had retired..." that, officially, I have!
However, not being the type that sits around doing nothing, I decided that I would attempt to keep the old grey matter - and the old painful bones that accompany it - in some sort of reasonable working order, by carrying on and doing a bit, unofficially, here and there and support various charities - such as Breast Cancer UK and Prostate Cancer UK - whilst I'm at it.
Officially, I did retire officially, from all things official, on Wednesday 9th April 2008, at the age of 66, but I am still capable and available to sort out a problem - or answer a question - concerning your home entertainment equipment (no, not that sort - radio and televisions etc are what I'm referring to).
Just because I have officially retired, it doesn't mean I can't do it anymore (work I'm referring to). I am still a fully City & Guilds qualified Radio and Television Service Engineer and Entertainment Specialist!
As for the entertainment of a different kind (I'm talking about pop music theatre concerts, birthday/anniversary celebration parties etc) I am still capable of doing these too. Come to think of it; no, perhaps I'll leave it at that!
Anyone who visits my website is more than welcome to phone me up, for any reason whatsoever!
The best number to get me on, currently, is 01684 572161 (during Covid isolation etc, currently staying with my sister so is not my normal home number, if you want leave me a message on that it is 01684 569285) or my mobile 07780 671442 - there is an answering facility on the mobile so, if I miss you, I will call you back as soon as I can (yes, I know you've heard it before - but I will, honestly!).
You can, if you prefer, send me an email, a text message, or write me a snail mail letter and post it (all of the other contact details are above) or, you could get yourself a pigeon and a scrap of paper and post him/her in the right direction to arrive at 27 Leigh Sinton Road, Malvern Worcestershire WR14 1JN.
Failing that, of course, you can come to my last ever event (yes, I know you've heard it before, this really is the last one) - full details will be posted here soon - and just come up and say hello.
I would be delighted to see you - kind regards, John.