Regrettably, due to the current state of the field - the farmer/landowner has confirmed it is currently waterlogged - and the Met Office and BBC weather forecasts at the weekend show an 80% chance of rain, The Sussex Super Charity Grass for Sunday 6th October has been cancelled!
Secretary of the meeting Carl Pugh has just posted the following on "Grasstrack Banter" on Facebook... Just to confirm that the meeting on Sunday is cancelled, the ground is just too wet to run! After all the hard work that me and Bruce (Stocker) has put in to put this meeting on. We would like to thank all that has helped along the way, especially the Strudwicks - that came along to help with the track build. Let's hope we can get back there next year. If you have seen this can you put a like by it so I know you have read it. Thanks, Carl.
1 - ​If you require a full refund bank transfer let me have your race name and number, your mobile number, and your bank sort code and account number.
2 - You can donate your fee (or part of it) to the club to go towards the unavoidable meeting expenses that we have to cover
3 - You can donate your fee (or part of it) towards the meeting charities (let me know which one, how much etc if not 50/50)
4 - You can ask for it to be held in credit against your name for our next meeting
NOTE - after 30/11/24 all monies remaining unaccounted for will be split equally between the two meeting charities (KSS Air Ambulance Charity and GRASA). This means you have until 30/11/24 to notify me of your choice.
I can be contacted on landline 01684 572161, mobile 07780 671442 (PM calls only please), by text or email ( All contacts will be acknowledged!
If you want me to contact you, just text me your name and mobile phone number.
Click here for the current list of entrants.​
G J (John) Banner 27 Leigh Sinton Road, Malvern WR14 1JN; 07780 671442;